The Third Global Student Leadership Forum was held by Glasgow College at University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC) from Nov 18 to Nov 19, 2017. A total of 53 students from 13 universities participated in this event, including University of Glasgow.
As the pioneer to bring mandatory co-op program in China, Chongqing University- University of Cincinnati Joint Cooperative Institute (JCI) was also invited to the forum. JCI League Secretary Yanan Zhang, as well as student representatives Jiayue Zhang (vice president of CQU Student Union), Ruyue Zhang (former vice chair of CQU IEEE Student Branch),Miao Yu (president of JCI Student Union), Shaoqin Wu and Jinglun Yu ( both vice president of JCI Student Union) attended the event.
The opening ceremony started in the morning of Nov 18, at which representatives from each institutes took the stage and cut ribbons. Glasgow College Party Secretary Shiquan Gao, Party Deputy Secretary Qilei He, along with other representatives from different colleges who run Sino-Foreign Cooperation attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Gao was invited to give welcome remarks. He briefly introduced the history and past achievements of UESTC, then details about the current situation of UESTC Glasgow College. Gao stressed that one of the aims of this forum is to develop creative thinking ability, thus encourage every representative to freely share opinions and learn from each other.

The topic of this forum is ‘the role of leadership in multicultural conflicts and fusions’. Nian Shao, president of UESTC Glasgow College Student Union gave a keynote speech about this topic. He summarized the four stages of civilization ideology and inspired everyone to think critically. Representatives from Glasgow University, Scotland shared the long-standing history of their university and how it supports international students in different ways after the keynote speech.

In the afternoon, Miao Yu from JCI gave a presentation. After quick introduction of JCI, he gave in-depth analysis regarding different factors of global leadership. His concrete examples and humor styles won a nice round of applause. Representatives from Zhejiang University, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, and Southwest Jiaotong University, among others, also shared their ideas and thoughts. First day of the forum also concluded a tour of UESTC Qingshuihe campus.

In the group discussion session on the following day, all representatives were divided into six groups to discuss the benefits of cultural fusion, challenges faced by students in the background of culture fusion, as well as role of leadership among those challenges. All participants shared their ideas in the group discussion and brainstorming, followed by summary presentations from each group. All these presentations are not only innovative but also inspiring and motivative.

The forum came to its end in the afternoon of 19th Nov. All students gathered together, exchanged gifts and said goodbyes. In the forum, everyone acquired valuable knowledge and experiences regarding global leadership and the fusion of multicultural conflicts. In the era of information technology, only by actively engaging in cross-culture cooperation and make the most of global leadership can we get a head start in achieving succes